What age can you work with?
I can work with anyone of any age.  My youngest client so far has been 3 weeks old and my oldest is in their 90s


Will I have a better session if I am in person?

Whether you are in person, on zoom or if you are in bed sleeping while I carry out your session you will receive exactly the same amazing session – it truly makes no difference to the effectiveness of your session where you are as long as you are open to it


Can you help with skin conditions?

Yes!  I have been able to help both adults and children with skin conditions like eczema and psoriasis personally already with really great success


I have had chronic headaches for years can this help?

I have been able to help clients with their migraines/headaches that they have suffered continuously for years.  Some clients have felt great relief from their first session others started to feel benefits after a few sessions


I suffer from pain will this help?

I have already helped several clients in regards to chronic and acute pain successfully.  Some have experience great reduction in everyday pain and others their pain has totally resolved


My child wets the bed a lot do you think this will work?

I can never promise anything but I am happy to say that I have helped some children regarding this


I don’t believe in this kind of thing but nothing else has worked, do you think you can help me?

You will honestly not believe how many times I have heard this and what I have told previous clients is as long as you are open to trying it lets give it a go – I can never do any harm with this amazing modality


My husband is always complaining of a sore shoulder can you help?
Yes I am more than happy to start a course of sessions with him BUT I can only do it with his consent


Can you work on my niece?

I can only work on a child with the consent of their parent/legal guardian


How do you do this?

Basically put I tune into your energy and use kinesiology (muscle testing) and ask your body what we need to do to help you – it knows exactly what you need and in what order and that’s what I do


Can you diagnose illnesses and diseases?

NO!  I am not a medical doctor and they are the only people that can give you diagnosis.  I can however, using kinesiology, find imbalances and misalignments within your body and adjust them at the time to help your body do what it is designed to do… heal itself and be healthy


How many sessions do I need?

How long is a piece of string?  I have had clients that have had amazing results with their first session and some that are only starting to notice a change after their 5th session.  Everyone is totally different and I will never guess and tell you that you need X number of sessions – I always recommend booking single sessions or a package of sessions (dependant on your individual finances) and working on whatever you find the problem to be and taking it from there.  If you book 5 sessions and you feel great after 3 that’s OK we can use the next 2 to work on something else in particular or just carry out general sessions


How long do the sessions last for?

The initial session – due to the extra explanations usually – lasts up to 45 mins.  All follow up sessions last for up to 30 mins.


Do you have packages to purchase?

Yes, I know that I love to buy packages as you can save money that way so currently I have packages of 3, 5 or 10 sessions to purchase to be used within a certain time frame


What happens if I book a session and I can’t make it can you go ahead and carry it out for me?

Yes, when you are booking your session you will let me know what the issues you feel you have and how they are affecting you and that is what we can start working on.  If you message/email prior to a session to say you can’t make it because of illness, kids need picked up, a meeting has ran over, etc then I will continue on with this session for you and send you through the notes from the session afterwards


Can you help someone with a terminal illness?

As I always say I never promise anyone what I will be able to help them achieve during and following the sessions but yes if someone is terminal and even reaching the end of their life I will certainly aim to help to ease any symptoms that they might be experiencing with consent of their next of kin


I have heard this can help someone that is unconscious, is that right?

Yes I have heard lots of testimonials from practitioners, people themselves and their family members of sessions being carried out for them while they are in a coma, and it helping them heal their bodies


How can I book a session/package?

I have made it so simple, just click the link below and you will be brought to my booking system for my holistic business (Pamper & Relax).  Here you will have the opportunity to book your sessions (day time and evening appointments are available).  If you would like a zoom meeting and there are no times that suit due to time zone differences, please email me (pamperandrelax@yahoo.co.uk) and I will see if there is any way we can find a time to suit us both.


Please remember to let me know in the comments when booking if you are attending:

  • in person
  • via zoom (a link will be sent to you before the session via the email address that you provide when booking so please check your spam/junk mail folder)
  • or remotely (notes from the session will be emailed to you with the email address that you provide when booking) within a few hours after the session

Emotion Code: https://www.fresha.com/book-now/pamper-relax-bwjbv2sl/services?lid=305133&oiid=sv%3A10623086&pId=284285

Body Code: https://www.fresha.com/book-now/pamper-relax-bwjbv2sl/services?lid=305133&oiid=sv%3A10817712&pId=284285

Packages: https://www.fresha.com/book-now/pamper-relax-bwjbv2sl/paid-plans?pId=284285


All zoom and remote sessions need to be paid in full 24 hours prior to appointment – with no exceptions.  A payment link will be sent to you via the email address that you provide.  If the payment hasn’t been made then your appointment will be cancelled and given to someone else.  If your appointment is part of your package then payment has already been made.


Do you do sessions for the employees for businesses, corporate companies, etc to help with their business growth?

Yes, I am open to talking to different businesses to see what it is you would like me to help exactly. When I get this information from you (every business is different and wants help with different areas) then I can let you know if we will be able to work together and how that will be able to happen and what the investment will be for this also

Can you work on animals?

YES!  I love working with animals and have had the pleasure of working with a lot of different animals e.g. dogs, horses, pony’s, hens and helped them in lots of different reasons e.g. anxiety, infection, wounds, pain, fear, dementia symptoms.  I have carried the majority of them all out remotely so the animal can be in it’s own home/space and as always if you are the owner of the animal then I will email you with the notes following the sessions too.  Animals love this modality and you usually find they sleep following their sessions


I heard that there are blockages that you can help with like abundance/love/creativity, is this true?

Yes I have helped people with different energy blockages that are holding them back within their life and/or career like working on reducing/removing with their financial blocks, confidence blocks, weight loss blocks, helping with relationships, etc.  From my experience you are best starting with a package of sessions


Do you need to have a certain faith/religion to have these sessions?

No, you don’t have to believe in anything in particular.  You only need to be open to this modality and honestly I have seen some amazing results with my own clients and have read so many more from other practitioners and clients themselves.  I have had clients that don’t believe in anything and others that have a very strong faith – it really doesn’t matter


What do I need to do before, during and after the session?

Not a lot to be honest… be open to what comes up in the session, be hydrated (this is really important) and be kind to yourself afterwards.  Some people, 1 in 5 roughly, may have what we call processing symptoms where they may feel lower in energy, emotional, fatigued, etc if you do I just recommend listening to your body and resting and allowing the symptoms to pass.


My mum has dementia and is so angry and hits out, can you help?

I can never promise what results anyone is going to receive from their sessions, but if you are your mum’s next of kin and in charge of making her medical decisions then we can certainly try to help with her symptoms.  If you don’t have this and your mum can’t make informed decisions for herself I need the permission/consent from the person who is in charge of her medication decision making


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